I'll admit, sometimes I think I could do a better job of making healthy choices. Sure, I live a fairly active life, I like to go for long walks or bike rides just for fun, and I put some thought into eating a variety of healthy foods. But I have my weaknesses, like white chocolate mochas from Starbucks, over indulging in desserts, and having the habit of ending the day with a glass of wine (or 3) a few times a week- especially this last winter! So I've decided to do a little research and also remind myself of the foods that contain the necessary nutrients to promote and improve hair health. I like to remind myself of these foods every once in awhile to make sure that I am including some of these items in every grocery store run.

Here we go! The Healthy hair list; Eggs Berries Spinach Fatty Fish Sweet Potatoes Avocados Nuts Seeds Sweet Peppers Oysters Shrimp Beans Soybeans